
2017年11月14日 インドへ行ってきます

インドの女性たちと続けているStitch by Stitchプロジェクトも、3年目となりました。


毎年、新しい図案を用意していくのですが、今年の図案は、Stitch by Stitchプロジェクトの文字をメインに、その周辺に、彼女たちの身の回りにあるもの、わたしがインドで見てきたものを詰め込みました。
Stitch by Stitchプロジェクトが、より良い方向へ向かうことを願って、この図案をデザインしました。

I am going to India from today.
The Stitch by Stitch project continuing with women in India has also been in the third year.
In the first year when I started without knowing what, second year when I was moved with emotion of the first year, and this year what kind of relationship can I do with the girls who are embroidered skillfully in the morning? I can not help it for the third year.

It's a long-lived project, so I started with, but it seems miraculous that being continued like this.

Every year, we will prepare a new design, but this year's design is based on the letters of the Stitch by Stitch project, around what is around them, what I have seen in India It was.
The products of their embroidery are on sale regularly at haco! 'S site since last visit and they are very popular.
I want them to be confident and from now on
I designed this design in hopes that the Stitch by Stitch project will head for better direction.

Well, let's go!